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Frase celebre di Liliana Cavani
26/04/24 - «Il passaggio tra il non sapere e la coscienza che c’è la vita e la morte nessuno te lo spiega. Ognuno forse lo apprende così, dagli eventi della vita come lo ho appreso io . Chi vedendo un parente che muore, chi un amico. D’altronde è un’iniziazione, che ti costringe a ragionare, a capire.» (Liliana Cavani)

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Quotations submit on Dictionary Quotes
Discover 469 quotes awaiting approval.

"I am an endless candle, would you care to keep that flame going ? Don't worry about the melting wax, it will become the seal of my burning love." - RMME
"I am an endless candle, would you care to keep that flame going ? Don't worry about the melting wax, it will become the seal of my burning love." - RMME
2011-02-14 14:10:41
"All really great lovers are articulate, and verbal seduction is the surest road to actual seduction." - Marya Mannes
"All really great lovers are articulate, and verbal seduction is the surest road to actual seduction." - Marya Mannes
2011-01-25 10:10:31
"Noone can truely love you, if you are not truely loving you! Fall in love with you and you will discover what being loved is all about." - shauna leveringston
"Noone can truely love you, if you are not truely loving you! Fall in love with you and you will discover what being loved is all about." - shauna leveringston
2011-01-08 04:10:25
"Always remember this: 'A kiss will never miss, and after many kisses a miss becomes a misses'." - John Lennon
"Always remember this: 'A kiss will never miss, and after many kisses a miss becomes a misses'." - John Lennon
2010-12-21 07:10:32
"A kiss that is never tasted, is forever and ever wasted." - Billie Holiday
"A kiss that is never tasted, is forever and ever wasted." - Billie Holiday
2010-12-14 17:10:40
"Lovers may be -- and indeed generally are -- enemies, but they never can be friends, because there must always be a spice of jealousy and a something of Self in all their speculations." - Lord Byron
"Lovers may be -- and indeed generally are -- enemies, but they never can be friends, because there must always be a spice of jealousy and a something of Self in all their speculations." - Lord Byron
2010-12-04 09:40:30
"The weak in courage is strong in cunning." - William Blake
"The weak in courage is strong in cunning." - William Blake
2010-11-07 00:40:28
"Our passions are the winds that propel our vessel. Our reason is the pilot that steers her. Without winds the vessel would not move and without a pilot she would be lost." - Proverb
"Our passions are the winds that propel our vessel. Our reason is the pilot that steers her. Without winds the vessel would not move and without a pilot she would be lost." - Proverb
2010-10-05 13:10:36
"Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby." - Langston Hughes
"Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby." - Langston Hughes
2010-09-27 15:11:53
"If you wished to be loved, love." - Seneca
"If you wished to be loved, love." - Seneca
2010-09-20 15:40:37
"Man's love is of man's life a part; it is a woman's whole existence. In her first passion, a woman loves her lover, in all the others all she loves is love." - Lord Byron
"Man's love is of man's life a part; it is a woman's whole existence. In her first passion, a woman loves her lover, in all the others all she loves is love." - Lord Byron
2010-09-19 19:10:29
"Our strength grows out of our weaknesses" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Our strength grows out of our weaknesses" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
2010-09-01 02:10:29
"Lovers, forget your love And list to the love of these She a window flower And he a winter breeze ..." - Robert Frost
"Lovers, forget your love And list to the love of these She a window flower And he a winter breeze ..." - Robert Frost
2010-08-21 18:10:31
"The perfect lover is one who turns into a pizza at 4:00 a.m." - Charles Pierce
"The perfect lover is one who turns into a pizza at 4:00 a.m." - Charles Pierce
2010-08-08 08:40:30
"Money demands that you sell, not your weakness to men's stupidity, but your talent to their reason." - Ayn Rand
"Money demands that you sell, not your weakness to men's stupidity, but your talent to their reason." - Ayn Rand
2010-08-07 05:10:28
"Two persons who do not part with kisses should part with haste" - Ralph Bergengren
"Two persons who do not part with kisses should part with haste" - Ralph Bergengren
2010-08-06 09:10:37
"If you don't love what you do, you won't do it with much conviction or passion." - Mia Hamm
"If you don't love what you do, you won't do it with much conviction or passion." - Mia Hamm
2010-07-26 14:40:39
"Mere enthusiasm is the all in all. . . .
Passion and expression are beauty itself." - William Blake
"Mere enthusiasm is the all in all. . . .<br/>Passion and expression are beauty itself." - William Blake
2010-07-16 06:10:27
"High heels were invented by a woman who had been kissed on the forehead." - Christopher Morley
"High heels were invented by a woman who had been kissed on the forehead." - Christopher Morley
2010-07-13 10:40:29
"The moment we indulge our affections, the earth is metamorphosed, there is no winter and no night; all tragedies, all ennui, vanish, - all duties even" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The moment we indulge our affections, the earth is metamorphosed, there is no winter and no night; all tragedies, all ennui, vanish, - all duties even" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
2010-07-07 04:40:27

Page 3 from 24 pages.

Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay. [ Simone De Beauvoir ]