[ hold Quotes ]

Showing search results for Hold Quotes - 136 quotes about hold - Dictionary Quotes

The last time I saw him he was walking down lover's lane holding his own hand.
Fred A. Allen

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It is all right to hold a conversation but you should let go of it now and then.
Richard Armour

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I hold every man a debtor to his profession.
Professions and Professionals
Francis Bacon

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We are much beholden to Machiavel and others, that write what men do, and not what they ought to do.
Philosophers and Philosophy
Francis Bacon

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A bureaucrat is a Democrat who holds some office a Republican wants.
Alben W. Barkley

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Bias and impartiality is in the eye of the beholder.
Lord Barnett

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Men's second childhood begins when a woman gets a hold of him.
Sir James M. Barrie

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Temper is a weapon that we hold by the blade.
Sir James M. Barrie

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To catch a husband is an art; to hold him is a job.
Simone De Beauvoir

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I believe though I do not comprehend, and I hold by faith what I cannot grasp with the mind.
St. Bernard

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Beauty is in the heart of the beholder.
Al Bernstein

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Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.

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Behold, I was shapened in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. [Psalms 51:5]

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Prove all things, hold fast to that which is true.

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Take good hold of instruction and don't let her go, keep her for she is your life.

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Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.
Life and Living
Josh Billings

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The best time for you to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something or bust.
Josh Billings

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Getting rid of a delusion makes us wiser than getting hold of a truth.
Ludwig Borne

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It is easier to rob by setting up a bank than by holding up a bank clerk.
Bankers and Banking
Bertolt Brecht

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Experience, like a pale musician, holds a dulcimer of patience in his hand.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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Our favorite holding period is forever.
Warren Buffett

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Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; Hold fast; Hold out. Patience is genius.
Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon

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The marble not yet carved can hold the form of every thought the greatest artist has.
Michelangelo Buonarroti

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No cord nor cable can so forcibly draw, or hold so fast, as love can do with a twined thread.
Robert Burton

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Don't hold to anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love.
Leo Buscaglia

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun