[ human Quotes ]

Showing search results for Human Quotes - 319 quotes about human - Dictionary Quotes

It is impossible to underrate human intelligence -- beginning with one's own.
Henry Brooks Adams

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Mutability of temper and inconsistency with ourselves is the greatest weakness of human nature.
Joseph Addison

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What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to an human soul.
Joseph Addison

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To be human means to feel inferior.
Alfred Adler

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If the human race wants to go to hell in a basket, technology can help it get there by jet.
Charles M. Allen

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Fear is a disease that eats away at logic and makes man inhuman.
Marian Anderson

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One cannot weep for the entire world, it is beyond human strength. One must choose.
Jean Anouilh

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Artists are, above all, men who want to become inhuman.
Arts and Artists
Guillaume Apollinaire

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To insist on purity is to baptize instinct, to humanize art, and to deify personality.
Guillaume Apollinaire

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The earth is the very quintessence of the human condition.
Hannah Arendt

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Evil is unspectacular and always human, and shares our bed and eats at our own table.
W. H. Auden

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No human being is innocent, but there is a class of innocent human actions called Games.
W. H. Auden

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God almighty first planted a garden: and, indeed, it is the purest of human pleasure.
Gardening and Gardens
Francis Bacon

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Knowledge and human power are synonymous.
Francis Bacon

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Our humanity is a poor thing, except for the divinity that stirs within us.
Francis Bacon

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One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea.
Walter Bagehot

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Right human relations is the only true peace.
Alice A. Bailey

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Never let your zeal outrun your charity. The former is but human, the latter is divine.
Hosea Ballou

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All humanity is passion; without passion, religion, history, novels, art would be ineffectual.
Honore De Balzac

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I do not regard a broker as a member of the human race.
Honore De Balzac

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Passion is universal humanity. Without it religion, history, romance and art would be useless.
Honore De Balzac

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Any man who does not accept the conditions of human life sells his soul.
Charles Baudelaire

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Mirth is the sweet wine of human life. It should be offered sparkling with zestful life unto God.
Henry Ward Beecher

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There is no faculty of the human soul so persistent and universal as that of hatred.
Henry Ward Beecher

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Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?
Books - Reading
Henry Ward Beecher

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun