[ humble Quotes ]

Showing search results for Humble Quotes - 30 quotes about humble - Dictionary Quotes

When you are as great as I am it is hard to be humble.
Muhammad Ali

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The praise that comes from love does not make us vain, but more humble.
Sir James M. Barrie

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The humblest individual exerts some influence, either for good or evil, upon others.
Henry Ward Beecher

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God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble [James 4:6]

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Whoever shall exalt himself shall be abased, and he that humbles himself shall be exalted.

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Sincerity may be humble, but she cannot be servile.
Lord Byron

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The cross is the invincible sanctuary of the humble.
Eli Cass

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Jealousy is not at all low, but it catches us humbled and bowed down, at first sight.
Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

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Knowledge is proud that it knows so much; Wisdom is humble that it knows no more.
William Cowper

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Study the best and highest things that are; but of yourself humble thoughts retain.
Joe Davis

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To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness.
Benjamin Franklin

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Great is the difference betwixt a man's being frightened at, and humbled for his sins.
Thomas Fuller

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There is a kind of victory in good work, no matter how humble.
Jack Kemp

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An humble knowledge of thyself is a surer way to God than a deep search after learning.
Thomas Kempis

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The real problem is not why some pious, humble, believing people suffer, but why some do not.
C. S. Lewis

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Self-praise is for losers. Be a winner. Stand for something. Always have class, and be humble.
John Madden

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Don't be humble, you're not that great.
Golda Meir

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He that humbleth himself wishes to be exalted.
Friedrich Nietzsche

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The humble and meek are thirsting for blood.
Joe Orton

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The humble are in danger when those in power disagree.

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By foreign hands thy humble grave adorned; By strangers honored, and by strangers mourned.
Alexander Pope

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Knowledge, humbles a great person, astonishes the common, and puffs up the small.

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The proud man counts his newspaper clippings, the humble man his blessings.
Fulton John Sheen

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Those who are believed to be most abject and humble are usually most ambitious and envious.
Baruch (Benedict de) Spinoza

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No labor, however humble, is dishonoring.
The Talmud

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun