[ losses Quotes ]

Showing search results for Losses Quotes - 7 quotes about losses - Dictionary Quotes

Cut your losses and let your profits run.
American Proverb

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The worst sorrows in life are not in its losses and misfortune, but its fears.
Arthur Christopher Benson

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It is a socialist idea that making profits is a vice; I consider the real vice is making losses.
Communism and Socialism
Winston Churchill

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Socialists think profits are a vice; I consider losses the real vice.
Communism and Socialism
Winston Churchill

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Take care to sell your horse before he dies. The art of life is passing losses on.
Losers and Losing
Robert Frost

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Use the losses and failures of the past as a reason for action, not inaction.
Charles J. Givens

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The losses as well as the prizes must be drawn from the cheating lottery of life.
Le Sage

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun