[ gerhard kocher Quotes ]

Showing search results for Gerhard Kocher Quotes - 27 quotations by Gerhard Kocher - Dictionary Quotes
27 quotes (Page 1 of 2 pages)

A good health policy is based on three principles. Unfortunately, nobody knows them.
Gerhard Kocher

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After each stay in a hospital I live extremely healthy (sometimes up to five days!).
Gerhard Kocher

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Bad people are less a problem than indifferent people.
Gerhard Kocher

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Believe me - the Government will help you anytime it needs you.
Gerhard Kocher

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Boxing is dangerous, but at least it hits the right people.
Gerhard Kocher

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Do not ask what the Government can do for you. Ask why it doesn't.
Gerhard Kocher

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Do not forget: in medicine, there are more important things than life and death: dollars and cents.
Gerhard Kocher

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How easy would life be if you were less intelligent!
Intelligence and Intellectuals
Gerhard Kocher

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I am a staunch feminist, in spite of all women's magazines.
Gerhard Kocher

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In a hospital, half of the patients get better food than at home.
Gerhard Kocher

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Is my dentist not bound by the Geneva Convention?
Gerhard Kocher

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Is there a life after death? Can I never get some peace?
Death and Dying
Gerhard Kocher

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Life is a loss of time.
Life and Death
Gerhard Kocher

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Life is one of the most important causes of death.
Life and Death
Gerhard Kocher

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Mankind has survived all catastrophes. It will also survive modern medicine.
Gerhard Kocher

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Many of us will die for science without knowing it.
Gerhard Kocher

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Medicine knows no limits, especially not its own.
Gerhard Kocher

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Never ask a surgeon whether you need an operation.
Gerhard Kocher

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Nursing would be a dream job if there were no doctors.
Gerhard Kocher

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Pharma industry is the art of making billions from milligrams.
Gerhard Kocher

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Soft data, hard conflicts.
Gerhard Kocher

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The call for free markets would be more successful if it came from more sympathetic people.
Gerhard Kocher

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The most frequent lie in a hospital: it won't hurt.
Gerhard Kocher

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The relation nurse/doctor is even more complex than the relation patient/doctor.
Gerhard Kocher

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The Silent majority is silent, and that is best for everybody.
Gerhard Kocher

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun