[ adversity Quotes ]

Showing search results for Adversity Quotes - 40 quotes about Adversity - Dictionary Quotes

Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.

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Prosperity discovers vice, adversity discovers virtue.
Francis Bacon

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Prosperity is not without many fears and distastes; adversity not without many comforts and hopes.
Francis Bacon

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In prosperity prepare for a change; in adversity hope for one.
James Burgh

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Adversity is the first path to truth.
Lord Byron

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Be more prompt to go to a friend in adversity than in prosperity.
Friends and Friendship

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Friends are proved by adversity.
Friends and Friendship
Marcus T. Cicero

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Friendship, of itself a holy tie, is made more sacred by adversity.
Friends and Friendship
Charles Caleb Colton

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There is no education like adversity.
Benjamin Disraeli

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Without adversity a person hardly knows whether they are honest or not.
Henry Fielding

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Memory moderates prosperity, decreases adversity, controls youth and delights old age.
Lactantius Firmianus

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Fresh activity is the only means of overcoming adversity.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

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Weak minds sink under prosperity as well as adversity; but strong and deep ones have two high tides.
David Hare

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Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it.

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As a rule, adversity reveals genius and prosperity hides it.

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Live as brave men and face adversity with stout hearts.

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Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters.
Victor Hugo

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He knows not his own strength that hath not met adversity
Ben Jonson

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Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with.
Robert Leighton

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Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
Abraham Lincoln

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Always seek out the seed of triumph in every adversity.
Og Mandino

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As the yellow gold is tried in fire, so the faith of friendship must be seen in adversity.
Friends and Friendship

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Prosperity tries the fortunate, adversity the great.
Pliny The Elder

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Prosperity is no just scale; adversity is the only balance to weigh friends.

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It is prosperity that gives us friends, adversity that proves them.
Friends and Friendship

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun