[ itself Quotes ]

Showing search results for Itself Quotes - 149 quotes about itself - Dictionary Quotes

Reason itself is fallible, and this fallibility must find a place in our logic.
Nicola Abbagnano

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The intellect is weak; it has no power except over what is as weak as itself.
Intelligence and Intellectuals

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An epigram is a flashlight of a truth; a witticism, truth laughing at itself.
Aphorisms and Epigrams
Minna Antrim

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Popular art is the dream of society; it does not examine itself.
Popular Culture
Margaret Atwood

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Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.
Marcus Aurelius

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In my case, adulthood itself was not an advance, although it was a useful waymark.
Nicholson Baker

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Beauty itself is but the sensible image of the infinite.
George Bancroft

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The best theology would need no advocates; it would prove itself.
Karl Barth

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The ability to express an idea is well nigh as important as the idea itself.
Bernard M. Baruch

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To know that one has a secret is to know half the secret itself.
Henry Ward Beecher

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The wish to pray is a prayer in itself. God can ask no more than that of us.
Georges Bernanos

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Fascism is not in itself a new order of society. It is the future refusing to be born.
Aneurin Bevan

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The most important function of the university in an age of reason is to protect reason from itself.
Colleges and Universities
Allan Bloom

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Life itself is a quotation.
Jorge Luis Borges

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When your work speaks for itself, get out of the way.
Thomas 'Wayne' Brazell

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Model. Two mobile eyes in a mobile head, itself on a mobile body.
Models and Modeling
Robert Bresson

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There is nothing with which it is so dangerous to take liberties as liberty itself.
Andre Breton

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What is interesting about self-analysis is that it leads nowhere -- it is an art form in itself.
Anita Brookner

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Your level of belief in yourself will inevitably manifest itself in whatever you do.
Les Brown

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Growth itself contains the germ of happiness.
Pearl S. Buck

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You cannot travel on the path until you become the path itself.
Spirit and Spirituality

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Power is so characteristically calm, that calmness in itself has the aspect of strength.
Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

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Time has no meaning in itself unless we choose to give it significance.
Time and Time Management
Leo Buscaglia

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Virtue cannot separate itself from reality without becoming a principle of evil.
Albert Camus

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Conviction never so excellent, is worthless until it coverts itself into conduct.
Thomas Carlyle

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun