[ comedy Quotes ]

Showing search results for Comedy Quotes - 18 quotes about comedy - Dictionary Quotes

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
Life and Living
Sholom Aleichem

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Friends applaud, the comedy is over.
Famous Last Words
Ludwig Van Beethoven

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Comedy is a tragedy plus time.
Carol Burnett

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Comedy is tragedy that happens to other people.
Comedy and Comedians
Angela Carter

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All I need to make a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl.
Comedy and Comedians
Charlie Chaplin

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Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.
Comedy and Comedians
Charlie Chaplin

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Charlie Chaplin's genius was in comedy. He has no sense of humor, particularly about himself.
Comedy and Comedians
Lita Grey Chaplin

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Comedy, like sodomy, is an unnatural act.
Comedy and Comedians
Marty Feldman

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Comedy is an escape, not from truth but from despair; a narrow escape into faith.
Comedy and Comedians
Christopher Fry

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One can play comedy, two are required for melodrama, but a tragedy demands three.
Elbert Hubbard

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We participate in tragedy. At comedy we only look.
Aldous Huxley

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I've come to realize that life is not a musical comedy, it's a Greek tragedy.
Billy Joel

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Comedy may be big business but it isn't pretty.
Steve Martin

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Comedy comes from conflict, from hatred.
Comedy and Comedians
Warren Mitchell

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Comedy is the last refuge of the nonconformist mind.
Gilbert Seldes

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The only rules comedy can tolerate are those of taste, and the only limitations those of libel.
Comedy and Comedians
James Thurber

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Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious.
Peter Ustinov

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This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.
Horace Walpole

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun