[ advance Quotes ]

Showing search results for Advance Quotes - 33 quotes about advance - Dictionary Quotes

Men who do not make advances to women are apt to become victims to women who make advances to them.
Men and Women
Walter Bagehot

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In my case, adulthood itself was not an advance, although it was a useful waymark.
Nicholson Baker

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No great advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion, without controversy.
Lyman Beecher

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With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall. [Psalms 18:29]

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The object of most prayers is to wangle an advance on good intentions.
Robert Brault

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The world has always gone through periods of madness so as to advance a bit on the road to reason.
Hermann Broch

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Error is discipline through which we advance.
William Ellery Channing

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Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.
Winston Churchill

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Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke

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Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.
Science and Scientists
John Dewey

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Those who do the most for the world's advancement are the ones who demand the least.
Henry L. Doherty

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Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement.
Peter F. Drucker

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The most advanced nations are always those who navigate the most.
Army and Navy
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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As we advance in life we learn the limits of our abilities.
James A. Froude

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Most of my advances were by mistake. You uncover what is when you get rid of what isn't.
Buckminster Fuller

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All that is human must retrograde if it does not advance.
Edward Gibbon

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Who is sure of their own motives can in confidence advance or retreat.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

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Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority.
Thomas H. Huxley

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If I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!
Leaders and Leadership
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

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It is well known that Beauty does not look with a good grace on the timid advances of Humor.
W. Somerset Maugham

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To enjoy enduring success we should travel a little in advance of the world.
John Mcdonald

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The despotism of custom is everywhere the standing hindrance to human advancement.
John Stuart Mill

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A riot is a spontaneous outburst. A war is subject to advance planning.
Richard M. Nixon

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As society advances the standard of poverty rises.
Poverty and The Poor
Theodore Parker

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Not to go back is somewhat to advance, and men must walk, at least, before they dance.
Alexander Pope

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun