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Showing search results for Science Quotes - 147 quotes about science - Dictionary Quotes

Public opinion is a second conscience.
William R. Alger

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Society lives by faith, and develops by science.
Henri Frederic Amiel

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Therefore, the good of man must be the end of the science of politics.
Politicians and Politics

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Healing, Papa would tell me, is not a science, but the intuitive art of wooing nature.
W. H. Auden

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A good conscience is a continual feast.
Francis Bacon

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Science is but an image of the truth.
Science and Scientists
Francis Bacon

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Modesty is the conscience of the body.
Honore De Balzac

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Conscience is the mirror of our souls, which represents the errors of our lives in their full shape.
George Bancroft

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Theology is a science of mind applied to God.
Henry Ward Beecher

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No great advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion, without controversy.
Lyman Beecher

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The Non-Conformist Conscience makes cowards of us all.
Sir Max Beerbohm

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In science as in love, too much concentration on technique can often lead to impotence.
Science and Scientists
P. L. Berger

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The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.
Arts and Artists
Adolf Berle

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Reason often makes mistakes, but conscience never does.
Josh Billings

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Politics is not an exact science.
Politicians and Politics
Otto Von Bismarck

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The chief prerequisite for a escort is to have a flexible conscience and an inflexible politeness.
Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington

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The conscience is the sacred haven of the liberty of man.
Napoleon Bonaparte

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What we call conscience in many instances, is only a wholesome fear of the law.
Christian Nevell Bovee

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Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
Science and Scientists
Georges Braque

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Science knows only one commandment -- contribute to science.
Science and Scientists
Bertolt Brecht

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Nothing retains less of desire in art, in science, than this will to industry, booty, possession.
Andre Breton

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No science is immune to the infection of politics and the corruption of power.
Science and Scientists
Jacob Bronowski

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In science read the newest works, in literature read the oldest.
Books - Reading
Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

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Science is but the exchange of ignorance for that which is another kind of ignorance.
Science and Scientists
Lord Byron

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O Star-eyed Science! hast thou wandered there, to waft us home the message of despair?
Science and Scientists
Thomas Campbell

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun