[ josh billings Quotes ]

Showing search results for Josh Billings Quotes - 61 quotations by Josh Billings - Dictionary Quotes
61 quotes (Page 1 of 3 pages)

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.
Josh Billings

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A good place to visit, but a poor place to stay.
Josh Billings

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A good way I know to find happiness, is to not bore a hole to fit the plug.
Josh Billings

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A puppy plays with every pup he meets, but an old dog has few associates.
Friends and Friendship
Josh Billings

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Advice is like castor oil, easy to give, but dreadful to take.
Josh Billings

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Always live within your income, even if you have to borrow money to do so.
Josh Billings

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As a general thing, when the woman wears the pants in the family, she has a good right to them.
Josh Billings

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As long as we are lucky we attribute it to our smartness; our bad luck we give the gods credit for.
Josh Billings

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As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand.
Josh Billings

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Be kind to your mother-in-law, but pay for her board at some good hotel.
Josh Billings

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Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done.
Common Sense
Josh Billings

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Don't mistake pleasure for happiness. They are a different breed of dogs.
Josh Billings

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Don't put off till tomorrow what can be enjoyed today.
Josh Billings

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Don't take the bull by the horns, take him by the tail; then you can let go when you want to.
Josh Billings

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Experience increases our wisdom but doesn't reduce our follies.
Josh Billings

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Experience is a school where a man learns what a big fool he has been.
Josh Billings

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Flattery is like cologne water, to be smelt, not swallowed.
Josh Billings

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I am a poor man, but I have this consolation: I am poor by accident, not by design.
Poverty and The Poor
Josh Billings

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I don't care how much a person talks, if they only say it in a few words.
Speakers and Speaking
Josh Billings

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I have never known a person to live to be one hundred and be remarkable for anything else.
Age and Aging
Josh Billings

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I honestly believe it is better to know nothing than to know what ain't so.
Josh Billings

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In youth we run into difficulties. In old age difficulties run into us.
Age and Aging
Josh Billings

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Incredulity is the wisdom of the fool.
Josh Billings

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It ain't so much trouble to get rich as it is to tell when we have got rich.
Josh Billings

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It is better to know nothing than to know what ain't so.
Josh Billings

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun