[ back Quotes ]

Showing search results for Back Quotes - 164 quotes about back - Dictionary Quotes

If the wolf had ever come to our back door, he'd have had to bring a picnic lunch.
Bill Anderson

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If power is for sale, sell your mother to buy it. You can always buy her back again.
Arabian Proverb

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I'll do my dreaming with my eyes wide open, and I'll do my looking back with my eyes closed.
Tony Arata

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Small amounts of philosophy lead to atheism, but larger amounts bring us back to God.
Francis Bacon

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A good neighbor is a fellow who smiles at you over the back fence, but doesn't climb over it.
Arthur Baer

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Experience that destroys innocents also leads one back to it.
James Baldwin

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Before you give up hope, turn back and read the attacks that were made on Lincoln.
Bruce Barton

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Keep a fair-sized cemetery in your back yard, in which to bury the faults of your friends.
Friends and Friendship
Henry Ward Beecher

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Any change, even for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.
Arnold Bennett

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Reactionary: A man walking backwards with his face to the future.
Aneurin Bevan

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Backbite. To speak of a man as you find him when he can't find you.
Ambrose Bierce

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Feedback is the breakfast of champions.
Ken Blanchard

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Dogs come when they are called; cats take a message and get back to you.
Mary Bly

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Have you ever noticed what golf spells backwards?
Al Boliska

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What's the worst thing that can happen to a quarterback? He loses his confidence.
Terry Bradshaw

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Give the world the best that you have, and the best will come back to you.
Extra Mile
Madeline Bridges

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I do not pray for a lighter load, but for a stronger back.
Phillips Brooks

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Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down and plow ahead.
Les Brown

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Every day people are straying away from the church and going back to God.
Lenny Bruce

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Insurance is like marriage. You pay, pay, pay, and you never get anything back.
Al Bundy

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People will not look forward to posterity who will not look backward to their ancestors.
History and Historians
Edmund Burke

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When you're nice to people, they want to be nice back to you.
Jack Canfield

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A committee is an animal with four back legs.
Committees and Meetings
John Le Carre

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I have no further use for America. I wouldn't go back there if Jesus Christ was President.
Charlie Chaplin

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The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.
Winston Churchill

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun