[ marriage Quotes ]

Showing search results for Marriage Quotes - 92 quotes about marriage - Dictionary Quotes

Accident counts for as much in companionship as in marriage.
Henry Brooks Adams

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Marriage is more than four bare legs in a bed.
Hoshang N. Akhtar

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Marriage is the death of hope.
Woody Allen

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In business partnerships and marriage partnerships, oh, the cheating that goes on.
American Proverb

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Quarrels often arise in marriages when the bridal gifts are excessive.

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Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance.
Jane Austen

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It is always incomprehensible to a man that a woman should ever refuse an offer of marriage.
Jane Austen

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A princely marriage is the brilliant edition of a universal fact, and, as such, it rivets mankind.
Walter Bagehot

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Marriage is our last, best chance to grow up.
Joseph Barth

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Marriage is low down, but you spend the rest of your life paying for it.

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A temporary insanity curable by marriage.
Ambrose Bierce

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The world has suffered more from the ravages of ill-advised marriages than from virginity.
Ambrose Bierce

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I have a feeling this is destiny. [On the eve of her third marriage]
Christie Brinkley

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Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash.
Dr. Joyce Brothers

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Marriage, it seems, confines every man to his proper rank.
Jean De La Bruyere

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Insurance is like marriage. You pay, pay, pay, and you never get anything back.
Al Bundy

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All tragedies are finished by a death, all comedies by a marriage.
Lord Byron

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If variety is the spice of life, marriage is the big can of leftover Spam.
Johnny Carson

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There is a time for all things -- except marriage my dear.
Thomas Chatterton

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Marriage is an adventure, like going to war.
Gilbert K. Chesterton

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Before marriage a man yearns for a woman. Afterward the y is silent.
W. A. Clarke

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The most happy marriage I can imagine to myself would be the union of a deaf man to a blind woman.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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Marriage is like a bank account. You put it in, you take it out, you lose interest.
Irwin Cory

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I'm certain that most couples expect to find intimacy in marriage, but it somehow eludes them.
Dr. James C. Dobson

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Marriage is socialism among two people.
Barbara Ehrenreich

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun