[ course Quotes ]

Showing search results for Course Quotes - 46 quotes about course - Dictionary Quotes

There is love of course. And then there's life, its enemy.
Jean Anouilh

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Look to make your course regular, that men may know beforehand what they may expect.
Francis Bacon

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I call the discourse of power any discourse that engenders blame, hence guilt, in its recipient.
Roland Barthes

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Consult. To seek another's approval of a course already decided on.
Ambrose Bierce

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We need to learn to set our course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship.
Omar Nelson Bradley

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Habits are to the soul what the veins and arteries are to the blood, the courses in which it moves.
Horace Bushnell

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He scratched his ear, the infallible resource to which embarrassed people have recourse.
Lord Byron

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I am about to be married, and am of course in all the misery of a man in pursuit of happiness.
Lord Byron

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Shelving hard decisions is the least ethical course.
Adrian Cadbury

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To have frequent recourse to narrative betrays great want of imagination.
Lord Chesterfield

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There is only one duty, only one safe course, and that is to try to be right.
Winston Churchill

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The first essentials, of course, is to know what you want.
Robert Collier

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The mind is not a hermit's cell, but a place of hospitality and intercourse.
Charles Horton Cooley

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When a subject becomes totally obsolete we make it a required course.
Peter F. Drucker

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No woman needs intercourse; few women escape it.
Andrea Dworkin

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The course of everything goes to teach us faith.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Mr. Faulkner, of course, is interested in making your mind rather than your flesh creep.
Writers and Writing
Clifton Fadiman

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Of course I'm doing something about my overdraft: I'm seeing my accountant.
Barry Fantoni

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There is something in sorrow more akin to the course of human affairs than joy.
C. Fitzhugh

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Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man.
Books - Reading
Benjamin Franklin

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Change of weather is the discourse of fools.
Thomas Fuller

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Of course poets have morals and manners of their own, and custom is no argument with them.
Thomas Hardy

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Of course God will forgive me; that's His job.
Heinrich Heine

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I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.
Patrick Henry

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Of course drugs were fun.
Anjelica Huston

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun