[ spiritual Quotes ]

Showing search results for Spiritual Quotes - 35 quotes about spiritual - Dictionary Quotes

Harmony is one phase of the law whose spiritual expression is love.
James Allen

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Most important for us is a good spiritual relationship between employees and management.
Bosses and Employees
Tatsuhiko Andoh

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Greatness is a spiritual condition.
Matthew Arnold

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The lash may force men to physical labor, it cannot force them to spiritual creativity.
Sholem Asch

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Spiritual favors are not always to be looked for, and not always to be relied on.
Amelia E. Barr

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Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.
Ludwig Van Beethoven

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Life. A spiritual pickle preserving the body from decay.
Life and Living
Ambrose Bierce

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Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash.
Dr. Joyce Brothers

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It is a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money.
Albert Camus

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It is the unseen and the spiritual in people that determines the outward and the actual.
Thomas Carlyle

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The spiritual is the parent of the practical.
Spirit and Spirituality
Thomas Carlyle

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There is often more spiritual force in a proverb than in whole philosophical systems.
Thomas Carlyle

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We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

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Self-sacrifice which denies common sense is not a virtue. It's a spiritual dissipation.
Margaret Deland

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Excellence encourages one about life generally; it shows the spiritual wealth of the world.
George Eliot

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His spiritual life has been exaggerated by a chronic attack of mental gallstones.
Spirit and Spirituality
Oliver St. John Gogarty

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Good is a product of the ethical and spiritual artistry of individuals; it cannot be mass-produced.
Aldous Huxley

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Spiritual energy flows in and produces effects in the phenomenal world.
Spirit and Spirituality
William James

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Without the spiritual world the material world is a disheartening enigma.
Spirit and Spirituality
Joseph Joubert

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This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor.
John F. Kennedy

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Attachment to spiritual things is.. just as much an attachment as inordinate love of anything else.
Thomas Merton

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Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth unseen, both when we sleep and when we awake.
John Milton

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Music is spiritual. The music business is not.
Van Morrison

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Life at the top is financially rewarding, spiritually draining, physically exhausting, and short.
Life and Living
Peter C. Newman

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The spiritualization of sensuality is called love: it is a great triumph over Christianity.
Friedrich Nietzsche

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun