[ jokes and jokers Quotes ]

Showing search results for Quotations by subject : Jokes and Jokers - 13 quotations

A dirty joke is a sort of mental rebellion.
Jokes and Jokers
George Orwell

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All human race would be wits. And millions miss, for one that hits.
Jokes and Jokers
Jonathan Swift

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He jests at scars that never felt a wound.
Jokes and Jokers
William Shakespeare

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His hilarity was like a scream from a crevasse.
Jokes and Jokers
Graham Greene

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I gleaned jests at home from obsolete farces.
Jokes and Jokers
Samuel Johnson

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If you've heard this story before, don't stop me, because I'd like to hear it again.
Jokes and Jokers
Groucho Marx

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In polite society one laughs at all the jokes, including the ones one has heard before.
Jokes and Jokers
Frank Dane

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Jokes are grievances.
Jokes and Jokers
Marshall Mcluhan

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My way of joking is to tell the truth. It's the funniest joke in the world.
Jokes and Jokers
George Bernard Shaw

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Prithee don't screw your wit beyond the compass of good manners.
Jokes and Jokers
Colley Cibber

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The average man is proof enough that a woman can take a joke.
Jokes and Jokers
Source Unknown

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The funniest line in English is Get it? When you say that, everyone chortles.
Jokes and Jokers
Garrison Keillor

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Times change. The farmer's daughter now tells jokes about the traveling salesman.
Jokes and Jokers
Carey Williams

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun